ah man, the big blue sky, the warmth, the sounds, the brilliant colours, the smell of home!
i was sitting at my boy's computer this morning, catching up on my emails, when ...
i guess only another exiled south african would understand the simple pleasure this shout (screech?) brought to my heart. mealies ... for those of you who have not sojourned under african skies ... mealies are fresh maize, still on the cob. in summer when the crops ripen, vendors will balance a load on their head and wander the streets. the shout of "meeeelieees" alerts the local residents to the fact that fresh mealies are out, about and available for purchase.
what spells 'home' for me?
today it was that familiar call.
Of all the 'food' memories of Africa(as a whole) 3 stand out. Mealies, great fish(too many styles, species, and places to list),and Tusker Beer. The 1st 2 because of the wonderful pleasure of savoring them. The beer because it gives me a headache from 1st sip to the last. Sadly, it's often the only 'containerized' beverage in many parts of Kenya. It's like a sinus ache, but it disappears with the 1st foray into a 'tourist' or urban area and partaking of a different liquid. For me it was (hopefully) Scotch of any ilk;)
There are so many little things that take us back to our childhood, to the most wonderful years of our lives...those are to be cherished for ever and ever.
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