Tuesday 24 February 2009

to lurk or not to lurk


nine o'clock this morning and i was lurking in my door way. why was i lurking?

well ... i never get dressed before i shower. i never shower in cold or even luke warm water.

my hot water comes via the same amazing, energy saving, underground heating source as does my heating.
for some reason this very green, supposedly energy saving, underground heating source ... whilst working most efficiently (if left running at all times) uses an incredible amount of electricity to actually pump previously mentioned hot water into my home.

result ... unless i need a shower or i am in danger of freezing to death ...
i switch the whole damn system off.
when i wake up of a morning, i switch the pump back on and voila! two or three hours later i have hot water. if i wake up late, my life is delayed!
my neighbours are up and about.
now i am really very fond of my mulberry coloured pyjamas, with the cute penguins in snow hats and snow flakes falling, but ...

quite frankly, i have seen one of my neighbours scrubbing her front step at six thirty in the morning! the scots are a hard working folk. i have no real need for my pyjama clad self to be seen, unwashed and unkempt, smoking on my verandah at nine o'clock in the morning.
so ... i lurk!


Puddock said...

Not all Scots! Ayrshire people, though, are particularly hard-working, especially around their houses.

I'm sure they would have loved your jim-jams!

reeflightning said...

hey puddock! long time no see ...

Jason, as himself said...

Well, thank you for not lurking in The Jason Show doorway! I appreciate you taking the time to read my story, and for making such a kind and supportive comment. I will see you again soon, I hope.