if natural selection is so smart...
if us humans are so, supposedly superior?...
how come, we lost most of our body hair?
i smoke, i always smoke outside, it is often cold, cold and wet, cold and wet and dark.
i have socks, shoes, jeans, shirt, sweater and jacket (waterproof).
do they help...well barely!
the sheep stand around...munching, worried by the weather...no way. why? the little blighter's have wool, as in their own natural grown protective covering.
the cows...don't enjoy the rain in their faces, tend to turn their backs to the weather. do they appear to feel the cold, nope, nice thick hides, covered in hair. dogs, cats, the apes..none of them require clothing to keep them alive, all these critters can run around bare foot or bare hoofed...
what the devil happened to us?
there was our opposing thumb, our reportedly better brain, we clawed our way up the food chain until we were masters of all we surveyed. yeah..sure..but why lose our fur/hide/pelt..what advantage was to be found in the mutation towards hairlessness?
talking better brains, latest rumour has it that chimps have a far superior memory to us peeps. they did give the chimps a small advantage by pitting them against university students ;-)
I'm sure their memory is better than mine. I wonder if they'd be interested in my job.
I saw the clip and found myself wondering what bribes they gave the students. the chimps got peanuts, perhaps they liked their rewards better:)
Yes, and in my non-mommy opinion, human puppies are simply not as cute as kittens or real puppies.
Gots to agree with MM and I am a mommy
Have to agree Margo, we are cute in our baby stage but nowhere near as cute as puppies and kittens. The only thing human puppies have going for them is their big eyes and damn...they smell good ;-)
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