i have three living plants...
a small orchid which adam and michelle gave me.
a cactus in a pot which looks like a hen (the pot not the cactus)...
and a wild and wayward creeper which in south africa we call a 'money plant'.
money plants need to be kept in the correct position in the home for a money plant...you need to find a feng shui expert to tell you which spot is the right spot. my friend sonia always advised me on the correct positioning, back in south africa. you have to take good care of your money plant if you are aiming for financial stability...that boyo starts to lose leaves...time for big time panic. sonia recommended the placing of three silver coins beneath the pot for aditional monetary goodwill, of course, we moved so much and i nearly always forgot the coins, probably explains why i am not yet a millionaire!
anyway...my present money plant was purchased in england...nearly died through neglect once when i was over in new york for three months. that was scary, money runs through my hands like sand at the best of times. i require the stability of a flourishing money plant to keep me in cigarettes and petrol.adam, the dear boy, nurtured it back to money plant health and after six months of looking pretty pathetic it healed. i now have a money plant with muscle. as an extra security measure i have taken cuttings...they are growing beautifully in a tall beer glass. come spring i intend to plant them out in pots. i will then have an emergency money plant and some extras to give to others who might be in need of a little money plant magic!
where was i ...oh yeah, yesterday morning i put my three living plants on the front seat of my rav. i believe in first things first and these babies would be the first of my precious things to grace my new home. down the farm road...very slowly to keep everybody stable and safe, not an easy accomplishment, the road be extra rocky this winter time of year. follow the road up the hill and over, down into the village...there she is, my beautiful new home...aahhh. jump out the vehicle and reach for the house keys in my back pocket...
huh...you guessed it...left the bloody keys at home...aarrgghh!
back up the hill, over the crest, down the other side, up the farm road...very slowly...
life is sweet, even idiotic mistakes can lead to delightful experiences. i discovered this when i made a second journey to re home my plants yesterday afternoon...
a tale of serendipity...tea with the old folks.
coming soon...
How very half glass full you look at things, my friend...and next time you go to NY, well, maybe Adam will just take on a foster care placement for the plant BEFORE you leave?
I, when things are normal, can kill plastic plants. But as I sit in my office, if I look to the right, I see a flourishing spider plant, a growing bamboo, and a perky poinsettia...things.. they are a changing! Pics of the new place????
I can picture you, Rav gently rocking, money plant leaves swaying with the motion, Pink Floyd CD cranked up as loud as it would go, scaring the sheep. Dang, won't you miss the sheep?
damn good idea lori, money plants have a mind of their own... best not to leave them in the care of just anybody!
dp... no pics yet. can't wait to show you all my view.
dang margo! have we met...or was it a previous life??
not moving too far from sheep in general, big field full of 'em, behind the house opposite my new place.more sheep than people in my village ;-)
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