how different things are important to different people.
in our family, well...
it's toilet tissue.
you might have a ferrari in your garage but if your toilet paper is single ply...
we will feel for you! ag shame...single ply toilet sad...
now my mann had a big thing for trailers. in his world a man without a trailer was a poor excuse for a man.
he had two...a big old open topped one...christened the 'skedunk'. the skedunk was wonderful for transporting bricks, timber and bags of cement. the skedunks value to the family increased with every trip to the dump.the very best thing about the skedunk, as far as manfred was concerned was the fact that he obtained it for nothing. some idiot thought it had seen it's last trailer day and was actually going to dump it! hah! manfred made good use of it for twelve years and when we retired to the coast he handed it down to our favourite house painter...
and he (the painter) was delighted to accept, stating that he would be able to increase the scope of his house painting operation now that he was possessed of this marvel of a trailer.
our second trailer was new, streamlined and painted white...with speed stripes. she was manfreds pride and joy! she was used to transport our more delicate purchases and to carry our holiday necessities, when we hit the road heading for the natal south coast.
so yesterday...
when adam finally arrived home with his big, four wheeled, brand new trailer...
of course, he was inordinately pleased with himself. i was watching the arrival from a window in the warm comfort of the house. huh...not for long, adam beckoned me to come see and admire. i fought my way to the barn, across the courtyard, battling the gale force wind and sleeting rain.
it is indeed a very fine trailer...
even from a mother's perspective.
my boy was as pleased as punch, smiling from ear to ear.
i said "wow...nice baby" tossed a chin point in the direction where i figure the mann would be standing and said "dad must be smiling".
adam..."oh yeah, can you imagine how much junk he could have taken to the dump in this one!"
so, my son has a fine manly trailer and a reflective yellow safety vest (which only cost five pounds from P&O Ferries!). the vest is bound to come in useful if he ever has to help a plane land or unsnarl a traffic snarl up ;-)
i won't have to hire a van to move my worldly possessions. we are all still able to afford the very finest toilet tissue. all is well in my world...i move in one week! eeeek!
25 Funny Online Dating Profile Headlines
3 years ago
There was a headline at The Onion once that read:
3-Ply barrier conquered, 4-Ply tissue announced.
Well, it was funny to me.
surely you jest margo! toilet tissue is a most serious subject...
i am totally mortified as i had no idea the 3-ply barrier had been broken!
my street cred is dead man, dead ;-)
We will run out of milk, run out of electricity, and would even walk over driving - but I will NEVER go multi-ply toiletpaperless again.
well...I envy you all.. very sensitive plumbing does not allow such luxuries...
red and raw.
Love your blog! I pop in every now and then to meander through! Have a wonderful day!
(Waving at you from Florida, USA)
welcome ds , nice to meet you!
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