rav tuesday
well...i say...
that was a day that was!
the drama started tuesday.
my lady rav has been recalled, summat to do with the (I think) front coil springs.
now, my lady was born in 1997 and has taken the rough with the smooth for 127000+ miles, i feel sure she is not going to perform some dangerous manouvre at this stage of the game. however... all things being equal... toyota intend to fix her coil springs ...or whatever... geez i'm such a techie...for free.
i have this warm fuzzy feeling that they might feel the need to chisel off some of that good ayrshire mud which caresses my sweethearts underbelly. what if she was to come home bright and shiney? summer is just around the corner? the worst of the mud is over? perhaps, perhaps, perhaps...
i digress...
i needed to be in ayr at 8.00 am, ayr is roughly an hour from my village, which meant i needed to leave 6.45am, the latest, to allow for traffic. i cannot abide being late for anything! so i was up really early, showered, shampooed and gorgeous.
my sweet rav said "no way" and refused to start... i tried everything to no avail. why today baby, why today???
i cancelled our appointment with the car doctors.
my dear boy...
of course...
thought i had flooded her...
yeah right...
like i haven't been driving for an unmentionable amount of time...
he could not get her started either.
eventually i took a walk up to our local garage, where competent looking men in greasy overalls tinker... with expertise.i explained the problem...
garage man "you down at the BRICC?
me "aye"
g man "be down in a bit"
ten minutes later he pulled in next to my lady rav and proceeded to tinker. she obviously enjoyed the attention and eventually started.
me "is it something serious?"
g man "just a wee bit of damp".
no charge... no charge! holy mackerel! they do have some strange ways in the village.
we have a new appointment in ayr... me and my lady rav. monday we try again
will she, won't she...
I had a 97 Rav until I traded her for the Ford, which I then traded for the Lesbaru. Keep your RAV, really, forever.
Oh, and you've been tagged.
hey man you are a demon tagger...i still owe margo one...
lady rav all sorted...needed new brake shoes as well..£285.00!! mama mia!
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